Small Collectibles

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#NH-6 Hamadan Saddle Cover

Circa 1930's

Condition: Perfect

Notes: Saddle covers are nice to find.

#807 Somock * SOLD *

2' x 2'

Circa: 1880's

Condition: Almost Perfect

#777 Antique Prayer Tabriz * SOLD *

2'7 x 1'10

Circa: 1880's

Condition: Almost Perfect.

Notes: Very fine prayer all natural dye Tabriz.

#579 Kurdish Salt Bag * SOLD *

1'1 x 1'11

Circa: 1930's

Condition: Perfect

Notes: Beautiful example of a flat woven salt bag.

#578 Kurdish Bag Face

2' x 2'

Circa: 1900's

Condition: Almost perfect.

Notes: Kurdish bags & bag faces are very collectible.

#BS-1-2 Heriz

1'6 x 1'6

Circa: 1920's

Condition: Almos Perfect

Notes: Very desirable. Very few made in small sizes.

#538 Antique Fereghan Sarouk * SOLD *

2'8 x 2'6

Circa: 1890's

Condition: Almost Perfect

Notes: Fringe going the long length of the rug makes it collectible.

Updated: January 19, 2011